Right now a master student at National Taiwan University, graduating in June, 2024. My research is mainly around computer vision, computer graphics and decentralized application on blockchain. I also have interest in theoretic topics such as typing theorem and computational logics.
Comparing both computation cost and the accuracy of camera pose estimation using different kind of feature extraction methods.
View Result ↗By fusing the result of different sensor, developed a better method for positioning unmanned aerial vehicles.
View Result ↗Develop a platform for NFT creators to easily provide service, privilege or product exclusively for owners.
Kao, Peng-Yuan, Rong-Rong Zhang, Timothy Chen, and Yi-Ping Hung. "Absolute Camera Pose Regression Using an RGB-D Dual-Stream Network and Handcrafted Base Poses." Sensors 22, no. 18 (2022): 6971.
Kao, Peng-Yuan, Hsiu-Jui Chang, Kuan-Wei Tseng, Timothy Chen, He-Lin Luo, and Yi-Ping Hung. "VIUNet: Deep Visual–Inertial–UWB Fusion for Indoor UAV Localization." IEEE Access (2023).
Timothy Chen, Miguel Ying Jie Then, Jing-Yuan Huang, Yang-Sheng Chen, Ping-Hsuan Han, and Yi-Ping Hung. "sPellorama: An Immersive Prototyping Tool using Generative Panorama and Voice-to-Prompts." In ACM SIGGRAPH 2023 Posters, pp. 1-2. 2023.